Meet up with Mondrian

The southeastern state of Minas Gerais General Mines got it's name from the rich abundance of gold and gems in the region. The state was once the home of the largest city in Brazil, Vila Rica, which is now known as Ouro Preto, until Belo Horizonte was constructed and became one of the biggest urban cities in the country.
Belo Horizonte has been on my Brazil travel list from the time I ate feijão tropeiro, I even booked a flight to go in March but a surprise bachannal trip back home to Barbados cancelled my plans. Luckily, one night on Decolar (Brazilian Expedia) I came across a too sweet to miss out ticket and without hesitation, I bought it. So, on August 18th I left Brasilía on an Azul flight to Confins. On my phone, my to-do list was set. I had in my mind that I was going to eat as much comida mineira (local food) as I could fit in my belly.

The next day, I headed into the Center with some other BajanGals, to hang around. The highlight of my day for sure, was visiting the Centro Cultural do Banco do Brasil, why? There was a Piet Modrian exibition. #FACTS I'm blessed.  

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